Examination Instructions to students

Academic Cell, Amritapuri Campus

Instructions to Students

  1. Students are required to get the permission from the respective department Chairperson if
  1. Not in uniform
  2. Not possessing campus Identity Card
  3. Not possessing the Admit Card
  4. Be Punctual. Late entry permitted only till the first 30 minutes. Students are expected to be seated in the examination hall by 09:30am/01:30pm. The exam hall will be closed between 09:30am/01:30pm and 09:45am/01:45pm to avoid inconvenience during question paper distribution. Late comers can enter the exam hall only by 09:45 am/01:45 pm.
  5. You may leave the hall after the first 30 minutes of the exam.
  6. Mobile phones/gadgets/smart watches are not permitted in the examination hall.  If any electronic gadget is found to be possessed by the student, the same shall be confiscated followed with disciplinary action.
  7. Students are required to occupy the allotted seat in the examination hall at the strike of the first bell. Answer booklets will be issued by the invigilators only. DO NOT FORGET to Fill all the appropriate columns and Sign on the facing sheet of the answer booklet.
  8. The question papers will be distributed at the strike of the second bell. Invigilator will call up the question paper course code and title. The respective students are required to stand up to receive the question paper. Please make sure that you are receiving the right question paper based on your class and course code. Do not write anything on the question paper except your roll number.
  9. Passing of calculators, question papers, answer sheets to other students is not permitted.
  10. Students are not allowed to stand outside the examination hall after the first bell. Students are generally not permitted to enter the examination hall after the second bell. Genuine late comers will be allowed to enter the hall, but only in the first half an hour.
  11. Students are not permitted to leave the examination hall in the first half an hour.
  12. Any case of copying, malpractice, discussion shall be reported to the Academic Cell. (Also refer to points number 14 regarding malpractice).
  13. Students are advised to leave the examination premises as soon as the examination is over. Thronging in the verandah causes inconvenience.
  1. Malpractice: The following will be considered as malpractice:
Writings on the desk relevant to the examinations.
Verbal or oral communication to neighbouring candidate.
Objectionable writings in the answer book.
Possession of any incriminating materials inside the examination hall (Whether used or not).
Written or printed materials, bits, writings on scale, calculator, Handkerchief, Hall Ticket, handbooks, Dress or any part of the body, possession of organizer etc,
Copying from neighbour.
Possession of answer book of another candidate.
Giving answer book to another candidate/taking answer book from another candidate.
Exchange of question papers and other materials with some answers.
Misbehavior in the examination hall (Disobedience, unruly conduct in the examination hall, threatening the Hall Superintendent/Chief Superintendent and other examination officials), carrying mobile phone.
Forgery in any part of records submitted.
Cases of impersonation.


  1. If a student doesn’t feel well, he/she has to inform the invigilator immediately.
  2. Students have to submit their written answer booklets to the invigilators before leaving the exam hall.